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FDA Hearing: COVID Vaccines Killing 2 for Every 1 Life Saved

Imagine a boys’ high school football team in small-town America. The team has 25 players on it – barely enough to field an offense and a defense. The school announces that the team can’t play this year unless every player gets double-vaxxed and boosted to protect against COVID. There’s just one small catch. One of the 25 boys is guaranteed to develop myocarditis immediately after receiving the third booster shot.

In myocarditis part of that boy’s heart muscle will die. He won’t be able to play football that season, or ever again. And he’ll probably be dead within five years. As a parent, what would you do in this situation? Would you risk the life of your teenage son in such a callous way, with odds like that?

That 1 in 25 chance of an early death due to the COVID vaccines is not an exaggeration. The number comes from Pfizer’s clinical trials of the vaccines in 12- to 17-year-olds. You can look the numbers up on the CDC website right now, although you’ll be forced to do the math yourself because the CDC, the FDA and the rest of the federal government don’t want the public to figure this out.

After the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine is administered to a 16- or 17-year-old boy, he has a 1 in 317 chance of developing myocarditis. Car crashes have been the leading cause of death in America for teenage boys for many, many years. By way of comparison, a teenage boy has about a 1 in 17,500 chance of dying in a car crash.

But after the third booster shot, the likelihood of myocarditis jumps up to 1 in 25 for 16- and 17-year-old boys. (For girls that age, it’s a 1 in 49 chance of myocarditis.) It turns out that the more spike proteins and freshly aborted baby kidney cells you inject into a young person, the more harmful it is to their internal organs. Who could have guessed?


The good news is that millions of Americans are now waking up to the extreme danger that these experimental gene serums represent to the human body. In a recent survey, 51% of unvaccinated Americans said the horrific side effect profile of the shots is the reason why they are “hesitant” to take them. No matter how hard Anthony Fauci, the CDC and the FDA try to cover up these results, the truth is still getting out. You’ve got to give the liars credit for trying, though.

In the UK, medical authorities have invented a brand-new medical condition out of thin air to try to explain away the catastrophic rates of heart attacks among the young and healthy. They’re calling it “Post-Pandemic Stress Disorder,” or PPSD. Apparently, people are so stressed about COVID that they’re having heart attacks at alarming rates. Someone should figure out why all of these people who are fully vaccinated are feeling so stressed.

Don’t they know that they’re fully protected against COVID, thanks to the safe and effective experimental gene serum that they allowed themselves to be injected with? They’re fully vaccinated! Or… partially fully vaccinated, depending on how Fauci is defining “fully vaccinated” these days.

The truly frightening thing is that the people at the CDC and the FDA know the truth about the alarming number of deaths and catastrophic injuries resulting from these medicines. Good grief, they’re posting the numbers right on their websites! And yet they have allowed Pfizer to continue carrying out this experiment on younger and younger kids. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) noted this week that Anthony Fauci won’t be satisfied until the FDA approves the injection of the spike proteins into newborn infants, before they’re allowed to leave the hospital.

The FDA has known the truth for months. Back in September, Steve Kirsch called into a Zoom meeting of the FDA’s “Vaccines and Related Products Advisory Committee” and explained what their own numbers meant. For every one life saved from COVID by the vaccines, the vaccines are killing two other people. Kirsch, a tech millionaire who is investing in alternative treatments for COVID, used their own numbers to prove this to the FDA officials in the meeting.

They KNOW the shots are killing people, especially younger males who get injected. They just don’t care.

Below is the video of Steve Kirsch’s testimony to the FDA back in September (it’s been on YouTube this whole time). Skip ahead to the 4-hour and 20-minute mark in the video to hear Kirsch’s shocking testimony to the FDA:

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17 thoughts on “FDA Hearing: COVID Vaccines Killing 2 for Every 1 Life Saved”

  1. Dr. Fauchi, or Jozef Melege, whichever name you wish to call hi by, he should be stood before a firing squad and sent to hell, where he belongs.

    1. “Mengele,” and I totally agree. Dictatorship by some medical bureaucrat, who perverts or hides the truth and twists scientific reality into a corkscrew, is not better than rule by totalitarian tyrants.

  2. All of the players in this “Socialist Takeover of America” will cease or Civil War will come.
    Commies in our own government have been trying to start a “Civil Uprising” here for 25 years, at least. Then they could suspend the Constitution, Declare Martial Law, and bring in “U.N. Peacekeeping ” troops from foreign countries! First, they must have LOTS of caos.
    That way they can be the hero when things get really bad. They end the caos (that they created) and they are the heros.
    The Illuminati want to reduce the Population of the Earth. They want to kill 7.3 BILLION People!! It’s cut in to “The Georgia Guide Stones.” Rule # 1 : “Maintain a human population of less than 500 million, for the good of the planet.”
    These are strange times in which we live.

    1. too many American’s are still in a fog of disbeleif, that what you have stated is actually occurring, too much have we all taken for granted, but Legal immigrants know exactly what is transpiring, sadly we are not listening and going deeper into this Abyss this administration is creating..

  3. The master plan of these demons in control must be to kill off our population. I’ve seen enough articles speculating just that. Problem is we are losing to these evil leaders. And it’s not in some far off country that most people can’t pronounce or locate on a map. It’s right here in our own United States of America.

  4. Fauchi Gates shd be arrested by the people
    Tried in a people’s court. Found guilty by the people. Then taken into a public square and hung naked public ally to show what happens to those who commit crimes against humanity.

    1. I have been wondering about this very thing! How do the people charge our leaders who are doing us harm? How do we file charges against them. There are so many that could be filed!

    2. AGREE 100%…..Fauci, Gates, and everyone else who has a had a hand in this Covid horror!!
      They ALL deserve to be hauled into Court, tried by a “Jury of their peers” and then….HUNG!!

  5. Dr. Fauci (aka, Dr. Mengele, re-incarnated) is the one to thank… for this latest “plannedemic”
    ….that was deliberately designed for the reduction of the human species on planet earth!!

    1. Don’t forget the left & the rhinos all play a part in this grand scheme of things. Why do you think nothing is being done about any of the corruption?

  6. If I kill one person, by any means, I go to prison, fauci kills hundreds of thousands and still smiles at you on TV. Hang fauci, gates and the rest of the demoncrats involved!

  7. “The vaccines are killing 2 for every one it saves” (paraphrased).

    It’s worse than that. Remember that the one being saved is likely an elderly person who (rather coldly I admit) is likely to die from something else fairly soon anyway, and the two killed are young and healthy.

  8. We have communist evil people traitors running the show it will not be long our military already on it. President Trump working to destroy these people. Stop wearing masks we do not comply get involved where ever you can cause this is war we need to stop catering to domestic & foreign terrorist that have illegal aliens helping them kill us, notice the media never reports truth illegal kill 57+ Americans daily our corrupt gov use our tax dollars to help terrorist illegal aliens for free homes & cars they are also given our jobs they here to take advantage been happening since 9/11 all plan the covid bioweapon those who take the jab will die 2yrs unless God decides other wise we are in a war. Freedom is what our country represents America is worth fighting for. We do not and never bend down to socialist globalist agenda we rather fight dying. Always question authority never give in you are strong America more then you think I am with I am you together you know we got this. Fighting from nightmare nut jobs California. God Bless

  9. Fauci is a swindler who will definitely be judged, but for parents who carry or lead their children to execution it will no longer help if they lose their children. Now they have a choice: – life or play!

  10. Once this is all over we need an accounting of all that pushed these vaccines on children and their culpability. We might need to get some gallows built in DC for the hangings.

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