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Ocasio-Cortez Sets New Records for Dumbest Comments

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the village idiot. Don’t let people make excuses for her. She has wedged her foot so far down her throat on so many occasions at this point that she might qualify as a modern medical miracle.

Some of her greatest statements include “the occupation of Palestine,” “unemployment is only low because everyone has two jobs,” and “let’s flip this seat red!”

To clarify, Palestine can’t be occupied because the leadership of the people have refused every deal that would grant them their own land for the last 70 years. You can’t occupy land that doesn’t exist.

We don’t even need to address the unemployment statement. As for flipping seats red, we’ll explain that on the chance she reads this. Democrats are blue. Republicans are read. Socialists are color blind, apparently.

It’s a lot of fun to ridicule the left’s newest and greatest thought leader. Maybe it’s low hanging fruit, but since they continue to put her on a pedestal, we feel obligated to take her down.

And, she makes the job easy. Her mouth is the proverbial golden goose. She’s already outclassed a number of her greatest, dumbest hits. Here’s a sample:

“I Got Elected”

The number of interviews where she makes this claim is outright staggering, and it proves that she doesn’t even have a basic grasp of the electoral process. That’s a bad sign for someone aspiring to be a U.S. Representative.

Now, for the common folk, the confusion is understandable. She did when the Democratic primary, and her district is one of the bluest in the country (actual blue, not Cortez-color-confused blue). Many see it as a foregone conclusion that she will be elected in November.

There are two points to address here. First, it’s not November. She literally has not yet been elected, and she genuinely seems to not understand that.

Second, it’s not a foregone conclusion that she’ll win. No, the Republican representative is not her biggest threat. Joe Crowley is. You see, Cortez defeated him in the primary because he basically didn’t show up to campaign. He overestimated his position like a certain other prominent Democrat (cough Hillary Clinton), and lost the nomination.

He’s trying to correct his mistake by running as an independent. He’s also actually campaigning now. And, he’s leading the polls. Cortez still might get elected, but she certainly hasn’t been yet.

“ICE is Sexually Assaulting Women”

In the literal sense, this might not be her worst comment ever. ICE is a large organization, and there’s at least a realistic chance that an ICE agent has assaulted a women at some point in time. That said, we couldn’t find an actual case or example to that point. We’re just assuming it’s a possibility, not that it happened.

The real problem with this comment is that it paints an entirely erroneous picture. Cortez wants to vilify ICE as the monsters who dare to deport criminals. They actually detain people who cross the border! What she either omits or doesn’t understand is that anyone detained by ICE is done so on the basis of criminal charges.

ICE is actually the U.S. front line against human trafficking. As such, it’s the single strongest organization we have that stops the sexual assault of women. She really is special, isn’t she?

“Americans Are Dying From Global Warming”

This has to be her best yet. Global warming alarmists have never been shy about fudging the truth. In reality, any measurable effects of human-induced climate change have so far been good for lifespans.

We’re not going to get into the murkiness of trying to pin climate change on humans, but any average temperature increases in the last half century have correlated with greater longevity in every society, better crop yields and less disease.

Moreover, there are exactly zero cases of any American dying from any cause directly tied to climate change. It’s not possible for her statement to be more incorrect.

The thing to keep in mind is that she very likely believes all three of these statements (and her many others). This is why the left loves her so much. She is the innocent face of blind faith in their cause. She’s the embodiment of what they hope and dream every American can become. She ignores facts, willingly makes a complete fool of herself on national television and blindly follows policy that is sure to bring us all to ruin.

As much as we like to tease her, her stupidity doesn’t make her cute. Patronizing acceptance of this rhetoric is dangerous. If she and others like her aren’t stopped, they will herald the destruction of America. They’ve literally stated it as their goal. Don’t ever forget that.

~ American Liberty Report

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