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The Pima County Fishtail Proves It Wasn’t Just Maricopa

President Donald Trump issued a cryptic statement last week about publicly available records that had been uncovered in Arizona, in relation to the 2020 election. He said that the information was both “damning and determinative.” He wasn’t kidding. It looks like Maricopa County was not the only location in Arizona with major problems. The “Pima County fishtail” that researchers have uncovered makes it a certainty that “you know, the thing” was part of a far-reaching conspiracy to steal our democracy right out from under us.

The only question you’ll have left after reading this is, “Why haven’t Arizona Republicans already decertified the results?”

Pima County, Arizona is home to Tucson, the second-largest city in the state. Pima is an even more liberal county that Maricopa County. Trump won Maricopa County with a plurality in 2016 but lost to Crooked Hillary in Pima County.


So, what was found in Pima County that has President Trump infuriated? Here’s what has been discovered.

Researchers have graphed the total votes in Pima County as they were counted on Election Day and in the many days that counting was dragged out after Election Day. President Donald Trump was outperforming Republicans in Pima County by about 3% for several days into the counting. The unpopular and senile Mr. F. Joe Biden was underperforming among Democrats by about 3% the whole time.

Trump was never going to win in Pima County. It’s true blue through and through, and Hillary Clinton won that county by a margin of 54% to 41% in 2016. With Trump’s increased performance and F. Joe Biden’s underperformance, it should have been more like a 51-44 outcome in favor of F. Joe Biden. But this conspiracy was about jiggering votes in blue cities just enough to sway the statewide outcomes.

Several days into the counting, Pima County started surpassing all previous averages on voter turnout. Mail-in ballots seemingly kept appearing for some weird reason! The national average for mail-in voting turnout was 71% in 2020. That is consistent with states where I have lived in the past that used mail-in voting. But the longer they kept counting ballots in Pima County, the more they exceeded that normal voter turnout ration.

After they reached a staggering 80% voter turnout rate in Pima County – several days after the election – the graph of Trump votes outperforming past Republicans and F. Joe Biden trailing past Democrats suddenly flip-flopped. The result is a graph that looks like a “fishtail,” if you remember those from math class years ago. After trailing Trump the entire time, F. Joe Biden ultimately ended up winning Pima County by a margin of 58% to 39%.

Hillary Clinton won Pima County by 13 points in 2016. The way the vote was trending for many days in 2020, F. Joe Biden should have won Pima County by just 8 points. Instead, due to the impossibly high voter turnout, F. Joe Biden won Pima County by nearly 20 points at the last minute.

Pima County’s final election turnout rate ended up at 86%. Two precincts in Pima County recorded higher than 100% voter turnout. They had more ballots cast than the number of registered voters. 40 precincts in Pima County had more than 97% turnout.

Two precincts – one that enjoyed 99.5% turnout and one that enjoyed 100.6% turnout – accounted for 11,994 ballots. That alone is more than 1,500 votes over F. Joe Biden’s alleged victory margin in the entire state of Arizona.

This is beyond infuriating at this point. The auditors in Maricopa County referred nearly 60,000 fraudulent and/or questionable ballots to the state’s Attorney General. Volunteer canvassers in Maricopa County discovered 270,000 questionable or illegal votes, in addition to 93,000 “ghost votes” – ballots that were never mailed out to voters, but which somehow ended up being counted in the final certified results. And Pima County now turns out to have multiple precincts that scored an impossible 100+ percent voter turnout?

The Arizona state legislature should have already decertified their results and awarded the state’s 11 electoral votes to Donald Trump. To their credit, some of the state senators (most notably Sen. Wendy Rogers) are calling for just that. There was so much fraud in Maricopa County alone that the election results should have already been canceled. And now that we’ve seen the Pima County “fishtail,” we can’t unsee it.

To the Arizona legislature: The entire world is watching you. Get to it! Do the right thing for America!

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15 thoughts on “The Pima County Fishtail Proves It Wasn’t Just Maricopa”

  1. Stay Tuned For The Rest Of The Story! And their will be more the Biggest Problem with that is,
    NOTHING WILL EVER BE DONE ABOUT IT !! So if nothing will be done why Waste all the Tax Payers Money on finding all those Questionable votes??
    We need to take that money and put it to Good Use Stopping the Fraud so it can Never be Used Again to win a Election of any kind Again.

  2. Voting should go back to pre-pandemic regulations. Vote on ELECTION DAY!
    Mail-in ballots must be requested by the registered voter. (One to a customer)
    In addition:
    Voters should present a photo ID.

  3. You should have to show a photo id to be able to vote otherwise this is going to happen again I can’t go through another 4 years of democratic bull crap!!! it’s time to stop these crooked ass people.

  4. The ENTIRE Republican Party is in on the fix! If not they would be all over this Election Fraud issue 24/7.

    But, are they? Nationally? Statewide? Locally?

    NO, THEY ARE NOT! They are doing their best on behalf of their Democrat Bosses to bury and ignore the whole thing. And what a great job of that they’re doing! Don’t you just fervently wish that they addressed the issues important to us with such vigor and determination?

    I’m tired of hearing the term “Republican Party” and “GOP”. The cowards sold out lo-o-ong ago. They’re nothing more than the weak right wing of the Democrat/Communist Party now.

    I think We the People should feed them all a big dose of the miracle drug Ephemall.

  5. Do you really the that anything will be done about this discovery?
    With all the judges we have now in America that are NOT impartial, I don’t see any reason at the moment to celebrate any discovery of voter fraud.
    The people in control have already seen plenty of evidence & still won’t do anything about it.
    Not just that , the G O P is a gutless organization that just moans & groans about everything & does absolutely NOTHING.

    1. You are 100% right. The GOP is Gutless! Until people go to prison for Election Fraud this will keep happening. I’ll believe Epstein hung himself before I’ll believe that babbling idiot got 80,000,000 votes!

  6. Fed up person, and friends: the vote was fraudulent in Pima Co., besides Maricopa. DECERTIFY. You can’t have more ballots than voters, duh.
    Maricopa Co has continued to block election data requests, including subpoenas. Even just using avail data, it showed obvious fraud, yet they are stopping decert. Enough.

  7. States that have a republican governor that’s suddenly FLIP
    democratic is extremely hard to believe although Maricopa was the focus ,I KNEW Pina County was a democratic stronghold .
    And I am not a republican governor ?
    El Chicano

  8. The recall vote in Calif was a rerun of the2020 election, and proof that we need to go back to old fashioned voting practice, in person, with I .D.
    Voters here were notified that their ballots were processed when said ballots hadn’t left home yet. Other voters arrived at the polls to be told they had ALREADY voted!
    Ironic they were all Republicans….
    Until we get to the bottom of the 2020 election corruption, there is no hope for ANY election integrity in the future.

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